Twabuka school canteen

In May 2015, we visited the Twabuka school, in the Sinde district of Livingstone, as we did every year, but we found the small canteen closed. We inquired and the director, Mrs. Reginah, told us that the funds had been suddenly cut so that the children were left without meals during school hours. We then verified that many young students remained without lunch until 5 p.m., others returned home to eat (often several miles away from school) without returning to class in the afternoon, others ate the little food the families were able to collect daily. The school had thus lost several dozen students.

We then had meetings with the teachers, with the director and Kelly, who lives and works in Livinsgtone and helps us locally: together we have prepared a budget for a menu (certainly simple but better than nothing: we try to give to all a portion of nshima, the local polenta, with vegetables or beans and sometimes eggs, fish or chicken). In 2015, there were 234 school children and covering the costs for everyone seemed like a bet perhaps above our means. Instead, step by step, and thanks to the great generosity of everyone, we are continuing to cover the costs of the table even today. Two cooks (Mrs. Wanga and Mrs. Bridget) were hired to prepare meals for the five days of school per week during the nine months of the school year.

Since September 2015, the results of the reopening have been evident and tangible: there are now 70 more children at school, which has thus exceeded 300 units and also the profit is significantly improved bringing Twabuka to be one of the best performing schools in the District, very rare for a rural structure. Finally, since January 2017, the new eighth grade class is working, which means that the children of the area can study a year more before going to work! One more year of childhood and education.

Today the canteen is open and functional thanks to the monthly contribution of 1,200 euros that we send. The annual budget of the school canteen for children is around 40 euros. The goal is to continue to support the Twabuka school as much as possible, allowing as many children as possible to study with dignity and profit, which should be an acquired right for every child in every place.

Lushomo Children’s Home

In the Lushomo Children’s Home in Livingstone there are currently 13 little girls and girls aged from 7 to 15 who had to leave their communities of origin as victims of abuse. These small guests are witnesses in the trials in which they are civil parts and for this reason live under protection (this is why we never took their pictures). The House is run by three “mothers” and by the Sisters of the Holy Spirit who do everything possible to give them a dignified life and above all a little serenity.

Every year we try to get a little money for these girls in order to pay general expenses and the costs for their studies, and to contribute, in our small way, to their future reintegration into normal life. In the last two years, the Family Home has also had the support of an English school that has given and is giving a good help that we are committed to integrate. The Lushomo Family Home is in regular contact with us and we visit it every year.

Contact us

Kuseka Zambia, for the right to education

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